Friday, December 16

Christmas, Christmas, Don't Be Late

Oh how I love this time of year! I get to make 2 list of things I want! One for my birthday, which is tomorrow!!!! And one for Christmas in 9 days!

So here is my list for my birthday:
1. An Uglydoll Statue to display in my room.
2. An ornament for the tree in my room.
3. A Molly doll. My dad says I'm a little old to be playing with dolls, since I'm turning 13, but I told him "Growing old is necessary, growing up is optional." I think he was a little surprised. :)
4. A trunk for clothes to keep at the end of my bed. My closet is in a state of overflow. Probably because when my mom tells me to get rid of some clothes, I get rid of a shirt and a pair of pants, then go buy like 4 bags more of clothes. Tee-hee.
5. A wish box! Lanie and Marisol both have one, so I would like one too!
6. A dragonfly display for my room. I love dragonflies!
7. A pet Jellyfish! This one is a bit impractical, but Jellyfishes are some of my favorite animals (cuttlefish being #1).

For Christmas I would like:
1. Some money to donate to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). I always ask for something that will give back for Christmas, because I find Humans and Dolls alike to be rather selfish when it comes to this Holiday. Afterall, Christmas is more about giving than receiving right?
2. I know Laynie is taking either me or Lanie (I think) to the AGP Chicago on January 1st to get the GOTY 2012. So I'll probably just ask for some outfits while we/they are there.
3. A laptop! I'm a bit of an expensive girl to get for, lol, so I don't really expect to see this one under the tree, but hey, a girl can dream! If Mom and Dad do get me a laptop, I really want a Macbook Air! I test them out, every time we walk through the mall, so I hope they get the hint. *wink wink*
4. Maybe a few new books, too?

So, as you can see, I have quite the lists compiled, tee-hee. I have to keep in mind, though, that my parents also have to buy for my sisters. Therefore, I most likely will get a only few things from each list, but I'm okay with that. :)

P.S. Sorry there aren't any pictures on this post. Laynie's only camera broke :/ Sigh, so there won't be any pictures of moi up until after Christmas. That is, if Laynie gets a camera (hopefully the one she's asking for) for Christmas.

Thanks for reading!


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